
I intend to use this blog as a platform for my daily thoughts on a variety of topics. I welcome comments, objections, and questions.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Resolutions

I think one of our greatest holiday traditions is having New Years Resolutions. Granted, people should have goals all year-round, and should be ambitious in achieving them. But, this end of the year tradition reminds us of our goals and perhaps by sharing them with each other, we all get a little boost in ambition.

So in that spirit, I would like to share my New Years Resolutions:

1. Get into grad school (St. Johns in Annapolis, Maryland is my preferred choice).
2. Continue to work out well and even step up my routine.
3. Join a squash league.
4. Continue to publish daily on this blog - I love writing like this.
5. Make more time to read, starting with Tara Smith's two books: Viable Values and Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist.
6. Start taking piano lessons, and maybe trumpet lessons as well.
7. And this should go without saying...go into NYC a lot to see the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center! :-D

I'd like to hear yours. Comment! And, happy new years!


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you go down to MD for grad school, you'll have to find new venues for your classical music addiction!

A Rational Egoist said...

Yes I will! They do have the Kennedy Center down there, which is a decent substitute. But I will be very sad without my New York Philharmonic. They are first rate!